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Rani Desi Masoor (Masur) Whole 128oz (8lbs) 3.63kg (aka. Pardina Spanish / American Brown Lentils Whole) Bulk ~ All Natural | Vegan | Kosher | Gluten Friendly | Product of USA

Product Type: Desi Masoor Whole
Packaging: Poly Bag
Net Wt. 128oz (8lbs) 3.63kg
Product of India
Ingredients: Pardina Spanish Crimson / American Brown Lentils Whole / Masur Masoor Sabut Whole

Rani Brand Desi Masoor Whole are beautiful brown lentils are the most common type of lentils. They have a mild, creamy flavor similar to kidney beans.  Our nutritious range of Crimson Masur Lentils is naturally cultivated in the great state of Washington in the USA. Harvested naturally and free of any irradiation process. 

  • You'll LOVE our Desi Masoor Whole by Rani Brand--Here's Why:
  • 🥘Now KOSHER! 100% Natural, No preservatives or "fillers" & Great Health Benefits
  • 🥘Great source of natural protein, ideal for vegetarians & vegans.
  • 🥘Rani is a USA based company selling spices for over 40 years, buy with confidence!
  • Net Wt. 128oz (8lbs) 3.63kg, Alternate Names: Pardina Spanish Crimson / American Brown Lentils Whole / Masur Masoor Sabut Whole

You'll LOVE our Masoor Whole by Rani Brand--Here's Why:

Pardina Spanish / American Brown Lentils Whole)

Masoor Whole is packed with fiber and protein but it has a nutty flavor that's quite distinct and very delicious. Whole masoor needs very little gilding in most dishes, but it's especially delicious when you combine it with toasted, blended spices. There are various varieties of masoor available in the market, with colours that range from light to dark brown colour and have an orange interior.

  • One of the most versatile, healthy, filling, and delicious meals.
  • Rani is a USA based company selling spices for over 40 years.
no artificial

Whole masoor as well as masoor dal is rich in fibre therefore eating them will keep you fuller for a longer time and prevent you from binge eating.

  • Now KOSHER!
  • 100% Natural
  • No preservatives
  • Vegan
  • Gluten Friendly
  • Non-GMO
  • Packed in a no barrier Poly Bag