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Rani Fresh Coconut Whole Green with Water, 2 Pieces, Approx. 4lbs each ~ Fresh Fruit | 100% Natural | Vegan

SKU MFN-GreenCoconutWhole-2pcs
Ingredients: Green Coconut Whole with Water

Green coconuts, also known as tender coconuts, are prized for their refreshing water and soft, jelly-like flesh. They are primarily used for hydration and light culinary applications. H
  • You'll LOVE our Green Coconut Whole with Water by Rani Brand--Here's Why:
  • ❤️️Use Coconut water as refreshing drink, Smoothies, or as a soup base. 
  • ❤️️Add Grated Coconut Flesh to curries, stir-fries, or chutneys (like South Indian coconut chutney) or eat it fresh as a snack.
  • ❤️️Use the empty shell as a natural bowl for drinks, salads, or desserts
  • ❤️️Contains 2 pieces of Raw Green Coconut Whole with water.